Fabric Podcast

Monday Feb 27, 2023
How Much Is Enough? The Money Trap
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Think you are immune from the traps of money that motivate destructive choices every day in our society? Think again! There are ways to get out of “the trap” but you won’t stumble into them without intention!

Monday Feb 20, 2023
How Much is Enough? The G Word
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
You definitely know this familiar word but you probably don’t like it being brought up. At least when it comes to your money. It wants to mess with you and your money, feels like it creates all kinds of problems, but it may be just what you need to solve them and answer the question of “How much is enough?”

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
How Much Is Enough: What’s It All About?
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
You may know exactly what you are doing with your money, but do you know exactly what your money is doing with you? You may be surprised what your money is (and isn’t) all about!

Monday Feb 06, 2023
How Much Is Enough? Whose is it?
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
You might say it’s your money. You earned it, it belongs to you, and you get to decide what to do with it. Maybe, just maybe, we need to step back from starting this money conversation with ourselves in the center of the financial universe, and see where things really begin. It might just change everything!

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Enough Money
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
What is enough money for you? More? Join Greg Meyer and Grace Pomroy - a local money expert - on understanding the question that is more important than an amount.

Monday Feb 27, 2017
Free Money: Shame Busters
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Should churches be groups that talk about money? Jesus sure talked a lot about it. Maybe rather than adding to the shame churches can deconstruct shame and helping us work together to use the money that's been entrusted to us to help shape the world around us in life-giving shame-free ways.

Monday Feb 27, 2017
Free Money (Week 3)
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
February 26 – FREE MONEY (WOW) from what you have to do, so that it is free for what you want to do. Did that make any sense? Let’s try it another way: The “Wow” of your money is that it can not only pay the bills and afford you some nice things, but it can help you shape the world more like you sense the world should look. We don’t get to this stage with our money easily, however. Let’s talk about what it takes and how it happens.
Links to the Message Outline and GroupLife Discussion Guide can be found at www.jacobs-well.net/leftovers. Also watch for Leftover podcasts coming up each week in which we talk through some of the pieces of the message that ended up on the cutting room floor.
You can support Jacob's Well as a community and help to bring messages and experiences like this to more people at jacobs-well.net/give. Thank you!

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Why Do We Talk About Money?
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
What's your least favorite subject to hear a pastor talk about? Well shave off some of the crazy fringes and money probably at least makes the short list. Greg Meyer and Chris Tripolino talk about why it is that we dive into the subject of money as a church regularly.